
Professional Experience

8+ years in IT, 3+ years agile full-stack development.
End to end software engineering experiences and responsibilities.
DockerGithub actionsAzureSpring BootReactTypeScriptMSALNginxNext.jsPythonFlaskSQL AlchemyShopifySanity.ioProject managementConsulting
Fullstack Software Engineer & IT-Consultant - Freelance
September 2023 - Today (Freelance)

- Continuous Delivery & Azure setup for a microservice infrastructure
- React frontend, Python API & authorization-Setup (Design, partial implementation and guidance) for a decarbonisation tool
- Shopify projects and e-commerce consulting

Clients: Empact GmbH, pima-art.com, baobabwod.com

Backend Developer & IT Consultant - Bitgrip GmbH
April 2020 - June 2021 (part-time)

- Coremedia CMS backend development in an agile scrum team.
- Providing images with stable urls, scaling, formatting and framing using the headless CoreMedia CMS blueprint.

Quit during trial period due to personal reasons and mismatch of my expectations. Great team, recommended a very capable friend.

Software Engineer - Empact GmbH (formerly EWUS GmbH)
October 2020 - October 2021 (Working Student); November 2021- March 2023 (part-time)

- Plan, design, implementat, deploy and maintain services and web interfaces to automate workflows and connect systems
- Initiation of agile practices (Scrum) to lead a small team
- Supporting project management and external IT service providers in migrating to Azure Cloud

Frontend Developer - Webedia GmbH
June 2019 - May 2020 (Working Student)

- Development of responsive & AMP-compatible components and webpages
- Modification and testing of existing backend components
- Docker setup in Linux environment
- Agile process with Scrum

Software Developer - Razorcat Development GmbH
June 2016 - October 2016 (Working Student)

Compiler construction (Lexer and Parser): tokenize and translate clients test case language for automated testing

Bachelor of Science - Applied Computer Science
October 2015 - September 2021

An early focus on web development, best practices and professional projects accelerated my learnings.
While aquiring deep understanding, development experience and neat software engineering skills, I also learned to appreciate the getting things done mentality.


JavaSpring BootSpring CloudHibernateJPAMavenGradleSQLPostgreSQLMySQLMongoDBJUnit5MockitoPythonFlaskDjangoScrapySeleniumRuby on RailsDeviseGitGithub ActionsDockerDocker ComposeHerokuVercelAzureSentrySanity.ioShopifyCoreMedia CMSReact.jsNext.jsReduxMSALNginxJavaScriptTypeScriptHTMLCSSMaterial UIAnt DesignBootstrapWeb Audio APITone.jsEsLint


Here's what I've been up to recently.

Github actions
Spring Boot
project management
Energy management cloud migrations and CD
March 2024 - April 2024

Migration of 5 Spring Boot mircroservices and a react frontend to Azure, and Continuous Delivery setup.
Responsibilities: Docker- and Docker-Compose-setup; GitHub actions for build and deployment of the applications into Azure container apps enviornment; Nginx configuration; Supporting the Azure setup (testing, fixes, enviornment-variable setup, ingres settings)


Download my CV and contact me for further information.
Lets realize your vision together.

CV German
CV English

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